Bank Security | DMAC security Protect with Integrity Sun, 14 Jul 2024 09:37:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bank Security | DMAC security 32 32 Reasons why office buildings choose DMAC Security Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok At DMAC Security, we have over three decades of experience offering building security services with integrity. Regardless of what type of business you’re running or what your unique needs happen to be, we are committed to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations across the board. Over the years, we’ve served more than 250 clients with quality performance, and that shows absolutely no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
As stated, one of the things that make DMAC Security unique is that we can deftly adjust our services to conform to your exact specifications. Office buildings, in particular, are unique environments that pose a security challenge in many ways. Some buildings are large spaces that can have heavy flows of foot traffic. Building security becomes exponentially more challenging if your location is also open to members of the public.
Regardless, DMAC building security services has what it takes to offer you the protection you need when you need it the most. Office building clients, in particular, choose DMAC Security for a wide range of different reasons, all of which are worth exploring.

Our Ongoing Staff Training

One of the major reasons why office building clients feel comfortable choosing DMAC Security for all of their office building security needs is our commitment to ongoing training and education for all of our employees.
Our staff is subject to continuous improvement via In-house training using techniques that exceed industry standards by design. Our focus is to train our personnel in all the regulations, required skills, and best office building security practices. Our highly trained security officers also go through both a pre-performance and site-specific training program, all of which is facilitated by our certified instructions.
We also keep our officers informed of local and national events while also giving them access to local law enforcement memos relevant to the office buildings and similar sites that they’re dedicated to protecting.

Solutions Tailored to Meet Your Needs

At DMAC Security, we understand that every location is unique. That is why we make our full array of services available to you. We work directly with you to understand your specific risks, allowing us to collaborate on a plan that will keep you and your people safe. We make recommendations and allow you to decide which options make the most sense given your goals.

armed security officer

This is an ideal option when there is an increased risk of violent crime. All of our armed business security officers are licensed to carry a firearm. They are specially trained on both the equipment they use and the environments they’ll be operating in.

Unarmed business security guards

Unarmed security guards are the best option for preventing non-violent crime. Unarmed guard provide someone “on the ground” monitoring your facility. They can walk patrol your office building making sure that your property stays protected. They can also fulfil access control and customer service duties.

Security concierge services

Security concierge service is a practical option for buildings that wish to combine access control and customer service responsibilities. Security concierges have the perfect combination of security and people skills.

Mobile security patrols Services

Mobile patrol services allows you to have security professionals making scheduled and un-scheduled rounds not only throughout your office building but around it as well. They patrol the exterior in a marked security vehicle. After patrolling the exterior in a security vehicle, the officers patrol the building’s interior on foot.

Not all of these options will be appropriate for every type of office building. If you have a front desk, you most likely will need concierge security services. Perhaps, you may only be concerned about patrolling specific areas on your building. That is perfectly fine. We offer solutions that are robust enough to appeal to the needs of the broadest range of customers but laser focused on what is the best service combination for your specific situation.

Cameras vs. Security Guards: Which is More Effective? Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok Regardless of the type of business you’re running, protecting everything you worked hard to build is always a top priority. In this day and age, we can access different types of security solutions. In other words, when looking for the best security solution for your business, you might find yourself at a crossroads.

Out of all the commercial security options you can choose, Security camera systems and professional security guard services take the lead. That being said, you might be wondering which of those two will suit you better, right? If you do, then you have arrived at the right place. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

Security Camera Systems

Security Cameras or CCTV systems are a technology-based approach to business security. Security camera systems are viral in the United States. Reason being, their broad set of options for different environments, weather conditions, and budgets.


Reduce Insurance Cost

Many businesses owners love the fact that security cameras often help reduce insurance costs . For example, if someone is unfortunately injured on your job site, it will be beneficial to have a video record of precisely what occurred. This is especially true in a situation where your liability is challenged, and you have to defend yourself in court. Some insurance providers may even offer you a discount on your monthly rates for the simple act of installing security cameras at all.

Access to Remote monitoring​

Regardless of how good you are at multitasking, nobody can be everywhere at once. But that’s okay because security cameras allow you to maintain constant oversight into your organization and its people, regardless of where you happen to be. This is particularly helpful if you run a business with multiple sites. ​

Prevents trespassing and vandalism​​

Trespassers can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage in a surprisingly short time. Vandals may not be interested in robbing your business, but they may be interested in causing damage for fun. Unauthorized visitors will run at the sight of a camera. There is a higher risk of being identified by the security camera system.​


Of course, none of the above is to say that security cameras are a perfect solution – because they’re not. They do bring with them a host of potential disadvantages, including ones like:

  • The chasm between cheap security cameras and high-quality security cameras is a deep one. Suppose you’re trying to save a little money by buying a dozen 480p standard definition security cameras to put up around your workplace. In that case, you may as well not even bother as this resolution likely won’t be high enough to cover a quick security incident.
  • Blind spots are another concern. Try as hard as you’d like; you can’t cover every square inch of your workplace with cameras. There will always be better angles than others, and some areas might not have coverage at all.
  • Security cameras on their own are essentially not enough to deter thieves and other criminals, despite what you may have heard.
  • They also do very little to deter the types of “inside jobs” that commonly occur in places like construction sites, as it won’t be very long until your employees figure out where every last one of your cameras are.

Professional Security Guard Services

Professional security guards present a more detailed and in-depth approach to your business security than camera systems. For most businesses, security guards effectively make up for some of the natural limitations that security cameras alone bring with them.


Trained professionals

Security guards not only go through an intense level of training before they’re ever allowed to set foot in your workplace, but they also get to know the exact area that they’re working in with an intimate level of detail. From that perspective, you no longer have to worry about “blind spots” because security guards know which areas they should be paying attention to and under which circumstances.

Effective Crime deterrent

Security officers are also a far more effective way to deter crime than cameras, particularly in crowded or heavily trafficked areas. According to one recent study, an increase in foot patrol visits by 41% in one area – coupled with an increase in 29% more time being spent in those areas – led to a dramatic 16% reduction in victim-generated crimes. People aren’t necessarily as afraid of getting caught by a camera as you think they are. They’re far less likely to take a risk if they know a security guard is right around the corner with authority to do something about the situation.

Overall improvement of your business security

Deterring crime is not the only benefit of having a professional security guard patrolling your business site. Experienced security officers will conduct random and scheduled foot patrols. By doing so, they will be able to spot irregularities all over your property.

Security Irregularities
  • Signs of Water Damage (broken pipes)
  • Signs of Smoke and Fire
  • Misplaced Pieces of Equipment
  • Potential Security Breaches
Immediate response

Having a professional security guard on your business premises means somebody is there to act if needed. Imagine for a second that someone entered your business in the middle of the night. A security camera system will provide you with the footage of the trespasser but nothing else. However, a professional security guard will immediately deal with the trespasser by calling the local law enforcement and preventing further damage to your business.


Professional Security services cover plenty of potential threads for your business. However, they do have some disadvantages to mention.

  • Lack of evidence: From somebody getting injured or perhaps an act of vandalism took place in your business. You are going to need proof to send over either to your insurance company or lawyers. A security guard cannot act as a witness if they were not there to see the events in question.
  • Security guards are not everywhere: Security Guards are humans; therefore, they cannot be everywhere at once. That means that some areas of your business will be unattended while the officer is conducting a patrol elsewhere in your site.

All told, security guards can take a far more comprehensive approach to protection than cameras alone ever could. They’re invaluable in a situation where the threat of bodily injury may be a possibility, where a camera is of no use. They can react quickly to fast-changing conditions and can report invaluable information to the authorities.

In the end, the most important thing to keep in mind is that not all businesses are created equally. Some small retail locations may be able to get by with security cameras on their own – provided that they invest in high-quality equipment. For large areas like office buildings, nothing less than a security patrol will do.

9 Benefits of Hiring a Local Security Guard Company Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok

If you’re a business owner, you may be wondering if hiring a local security guard company is a smart choice for your business. Civil unrest is increasing and after COVID-19, employees and consumers alike are becoming more unpredictable.

While cost is certainly a factor and every business has a budget to follow, the benefits of employing local professional security guards can easily outweigh the expense. Even just one thwarted security event could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Here are 9 benefits of hiring a local security guard company and how to choose the right security team for your needs.

1. Fewer Crimes in the Workplace

Hiring a competent local security guard team protects your establishment by preventing vandalism, theft, and other threats to your property or employees. Professional security companies like us, can spot suspicious activities and take the appropriate action before it becomes much larger issue for your organization. Most would-be criminals are deterred from targeting your facility if you have security guards on the premises. This is especially true if the security firm is local and has an extensive knowledge of local business infrastructure.

If you own a retail establishment, for example, employing security guards can help drastically reduce shoplifting rates. If you sell or manufacture expensive or high-end items, having security professionals on hand can discourage criminals from making your business a target.

2. Improved Employee Conduct

Security guards can play a critical role in enforcing workplace guidelines and regulations. They can help serve as a disciplinary authority, ensuring that team members follow the rules established by your company. Workplace misconduct, whether caused by visitors or employees themselves, can cause your company to incur excess costs and in some cases, could put its reputation on the line.
In many cases, misconduct can be identified and managed by a trained security guard. This may even occur before the customer or employee gets out of hand. Since they understand the local culture, having a local security guard on the premises also helps to diffuse some types of altercations between members of the local community.

3. Crowd Management

If your place of business tends to draw a crowd, security guards assist you in crowd management, minimizing possible threats such as mob fights, crowd crushing, unruly behavior, or riots at your business. For example, if you have a Black Friday sale every Thanksgiving, hiring a team of security guards for the day can deter and mitigate potential issues involving large crowds.

They may be able to guide customers on where to line up, how far to stay apart, or keep a group at bay before a popular product release. If a large group of people becomes unruly, guards can implement crowd management tactics to prevent injuries and deescalate the situation. A local firm will have a better idea of the size and type of crowds expected, so your business can best prepare.

4. Increased Surveillance of Your Property

Security guards will also patrol the premises, monitor activity on security cameras, let people in and out of the building, operate a security gate, and respond to alarms. Typically, they can do this relatively quickly when they are already on your property, saving you valuable time. Some security teams utilize specific surveillance and management software that provides real-time updates of activity on the property, so they can respond immediately to threats or detect potential problems before they even arise. If you want to learn more about our security patrol services, click here.

5. Additional Customer Service

Professional security guards are responsible for both protecting your workplace and providing basic customer service. They can, for example, assist customers in retail locations to find various items or departments. In other types of work environments, guards can help people find their destinations and escort them there if needed, even late at night or during off-hours.

They can also help answer basic questions about your company’s products or services, especially if they have been working for your business for an extended period of time. While not a replacement for dedicated customer service personnel, especially in a retail environment, security guards can be cross-trained to get customer complaints to the right place as the first point of contact. When you’re working with a local security guard company, chances are, many of your patrons will know the guards, helping to build trust between your target audience and your establishment.

6. Protection During Labor Unrest

During labor unrest, strikes, or protests, the safety of your organization and its employees is of the utmost importance. Not only does this type of unrest reduce the productivity of your company, but it may also endanger the lives of your employees and the integrity of your property in a worst-case-scenario. If protestors gather outside your place of business or a riot breaks out nearby, the risk of harm to everyone involved goes up substantially. Many businesses have recently had their windows smashed with bricks and were looted or vandalized simply for being in a certain area; the businesses themselves weren’t the target.

You can deter escalation during civil unrest by employing experienced local security guards and placing them at strategic locations within your business. Local guards who are familiar with the area can help employees get through protests or picket lines safely to come to work and ensure that demonstrations held near your place of business remain peaceful. Often, when security guards are present outside a business or at the doors, protestors or rioters will choose another location. If crowd escalation occurs, security guards who are already on the property can respond quickly and call for backup.

7. Brand Exposure

An unconventional but effective way security guards can add value to your business is by increasing your brand exposure. For example, if a security guard wears a shirt with a company logo or a company uniform, this helps consumers immediately connect their service with your brand. Customers feel safer at your place of business and branded security can also improve your company’s overall image and reputation.

8. Expedited Emergency Response

A security guard on your premises can respond to and manage an emergency scenario quickly until the police arrive. For example, if an employee who was let go becomes aggressive in your office, it may take police officers 10-20 minutes or more to arrive on the scene and begin controlling the situation. By this point, the employee may have already caused significant harm.

Local security guard firms also provide fast, reliable service in non-emergent situations. If, for example, you need a new component installed, a local firm should be able to do this quickly without the need to travel far to your location.

9. Overall Increased Sense of Security

The simple presence of a security guard can help to discourage unruly behavior from employees and even customers. If your business is in a remote location, and you’re concerned that the first responders will take too long to arrive, it’s a good idea to employ a security guard for the protection of your property. In most cases, an experienced guard can keep the situation under control until the police arrive. Additionally, hiring local security guards helps to stimulate the economy and provide job opportunities for people within your own community.

Why Your Business Needs More Than Security Surveillance Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok If you run a business today, then you have to prioritize your security. Even though this includes digital security, you cannot overlook the importance of physical security. While you should invest in high-quality security cameras, you should not overlook the importance of security patrol services. There is never going to be a replacement for a physical, smart, and highly-trained security patrol officer when it comes to the safety and security of your business.
If you think a security camera is all you need to protect your business, think again. The largest concentration of security officers, more than 680,000, work in investigation and security services in multiple industries. So no matter which industry your business is in, there are security officers who are specially trained to protect your assets and employees.

Comparing Cameras To Security Guards: Which Is More Effective?

There are several key differences between security cameras and security guards. These include:

  • A physical security guard will serve as a better deterrent against potential crime. An obvious, clearly visible security presence will keep potential criminals at bay.
  • A security guard will be able to assess all security threats, knowing when to respond.
  • A security guard can tell the difference between someone who is stealing merchandise and someone who has made a purchase, which a security camera cannot.
  • A security guard can break up a violent altercation between an employee and a customer.

These are a few of the top reasons why a physical security guard is more effective than a camera.

How To Keep Your Warehouse Safe

In order to keep your business and warehouse safe, there are a few tips you should follow. All employees should go through a vigorous training program so they can play an active role in your security. You should also regularly audit your warehouse to see what security flaws are present and how you can address them. If there are any areas where you identify vulnerabilities, partner with professional security control services that can help you keep your business and warehouse safe.
If you want to prioritize the safety and security of your warehouse and business, we can help you.

Rely on DMAC Security for the Safety of Your Business and Warehouses

If you want to keep your business and warehouse safe, then rely on DMAC Security. At DMAC Security, we follow all best practices in our industry to protect your business from harm. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

What to Look for in an Armed Security Company Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok According to one recent study, a massive 1.5 million commercial burglaries took place during 2015 alone. Almost 30% of those targeted retail businesses in particular and combined cost companies in the United States an enormous $800 million.
Statistics like those may very well be contributing to your desire to hire the best-armed security company – because sometimes, a security system alone just isn’t enough to keep everything you’ve already worked so hard to build protected.


But at the same time, it’s critically important for you to acknowledge that not all armed security partners are created equally. They will all have their unique approach to the services they offer, and sometimes that just won’t align with what you need or expect.

That’s okay, however, because the process of finding the best-armed security company for your organization is a lot more straightforward than you might think. It simply requires you to watch out for a few key characteristics and keep a few things in mind.

Finding an Armed Security Company: An Emphasis on Training

The best-armed security companies are as good as their officers are. That is why the most important thing to look for in an armed security company is the level of training they provide to their officers.
No security company should just be pulling people in off the street – this is particularly true if they’re going to be armed. Instead, all guards should receive online and classroom that meets or exceeds all state requirements. That training should be going on throughout the year to ensure that guards are always up-to-date regarding things like the best practices of conflict resolution and de-escalation.
It’s also important to remember that even though you’re investing in armed security guards, the actual use of physical force should always be a last resort. This is especially true if your location is open to members of the public regularly.

Environment-Specific Experience

The best-armed security companies should also provide access to guards who have experience protecting the specific types of environments they’ll be working with while on your business. The safety concerns that come with industrial locations like warehouses or manufacturing facilities are very different from those you would have to account for in a retail environment or office building. The same is true of larger environments like event spaces. Each type of location has its unique risks that need to be accounted for, and your armed security company partner should be able to do precisely that.

mobile patrol security officer

Armed security company should be able to provide officers trained in things like security alarm response, for example. Depending on where your business is located, something as simple as an alarm going off may not be enough for local authorities to send a police officer. Instead, they’ll need someone on-site to verify the activity that triggered the alarm in the first place.

The Critical Nature of Fast Response Times

The guards that your security company provides should go to the area and immediately verify what event is taking place in the safest way possible. They should be able to confirm or deny that any type of break-in has occurred. They should be able to maintain control over the situation until the proper authorities arrive.
The best-armed security companies are always ready to respond to your needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. There shouldn’t be any vulnerabilities in your protection just because guards are only available at specific times of the day.

Visibility Into the Security Process

Another one of the major qualities you’ll want to look for in an armed security company is the level of visibility they provide you in terms of what they’re doing. Many reputable providers these days will offer GPS patrol tracking, for example, to help make sure that your armed security guards are checking the sites you’ve asked them to regularly.

This type of GPS technology works by allowing security guards to highlight specific areas of interest on a map. Patrols will then be instructed to check these precise areas as often as possible, in addition to the work they’re doing on their more significant route. This in and of itself is a great way to monitor particular assets or areas of concern without losing visibility into the rest of your environment.

A Versatility of Services

Any armed security company you work with should be able to provide more than just foot patrol services. Mobile security patrol services are essential, as they go a long way towards keeping criminals away and keeping your business as safe as possible at all times.
Mobile security patrols are precisely what they sound like – a chance for an armed guard to travel the perimeter of your location in a marked car with flashing lights on top. Any areas that are not accessible by car will still be observed on foot. Still, the presence of the significant vehicle is a meaningful way to deter potential criminals who may be in the area. It also adds a level of legitimacy to your security and even lets you enforce property rules like loitering, parking issues, and more.

The Importance of Licenses

Finally, any armed security company that you work with needs to show you that they have the licenses necessary to protect your environment moving forward adequately. Every armed security company aiming to be the best will have all of their security guards fully licensed to carry guns in the first place. But they also need to have all appropriate credentials and be appropriately licensed in the specific jurisdiction they’ll be working.
Some states have a centralized licensing authority that regulates how security guard companies can work with private businesses, for example – with Colorado, Michigan, and Wyoming being top examples. Others have little-to-no regulation. If you live in an area without widespread licensing, you’ll want to fall back on an armed security guard company’s training regimen for the reasons outlined above.
In the end, you need to understand that there truly is no “one size fits all” approach to picking out an armed security company. As stated, most companies will have their unique approach to and philosophy behind what they do. Therefore, you can’t start with a security company and hope that they’ll be able to meet your needs. Instead, begin by making an effort to understand what your unique requirements are. At that point, you can work your way towards an armed security company that checks as many of those boxes as they can.
If you’d like to learn more about how the best-armed security companies like ours can help your business meet your needs, click here. Or, if you’d just like to discuss your situation with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t hesitate to give us a call- contact DMAC Security today.

8 Reasons Why Your Party or Event Needs Security Guards Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok Many states across the U.S. are beginning to relax their pandemic restrictions. Public and private communal events, both large and small, are again being scheduled. Sporting events, concerts, large weddings, business conventions, and other gatherings where many people will congregate are back on the menu. If your organization, business, school, or family is planning such an event in Maryland in the coming year, you’ll face some unique challenges. You’ll have to consider any Covid restrictions that remain in place and take steps to ensure your guests comply. You also have to expect that after having been locked down and restricted for over a year, your guests might be inclined to be a little more indulgent and rowdy than usual. Younger people might feel encouraged to engage in behavior beyond the normal. The best way to keep things under control is to hire a company that provides event security services.

Considering these new challenges, it’s more important than ever that planning for significant events of any type includes hiring the services of experienced event security guards. Hiring a professional event security company is the best way to ensure that your guests have a great time while staying safe and healthy. Event security services can also protect yourself from liability for accidents and injuries. Here are 7 reasons why you need event security.

1. Guest List Management And Access Control

Ticketed and Invitation Only events featuring celebrity performers and speakers and plan to serve food and alcoholic beverages are a natural target for ‘gate-crashers. Keeping out uninvited persons is necessary to avoid violating facility capacities and keeping out individuals who might try to disrupt the event for whatever reason. Event security guards are experienced at monitoring all access points to the event, checking guest lists and taking tickets, tactfully dissuading the uninvited, and providing directions and assistance to legitimate guests.

2. Crowd Control

Large crowds, especially those at concerts and sporting events, can quickly become unruly and pose a hazard to people and property. Event security guards have special training in crowd control techniques. Those techniques include but are not limited to identifying potential trouble spots, recognizing an incident getting ready to happen, and using de-escalation tactics to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. Just the presence of security guards patrolling the crowd and facility goes a long way towards keeping things calm and peaceful.

3. Property Protection

Whether your event is being held in a rented indoor facility or a large outdoor venue like a private residence or a public park, you’ll want to ensure the property is protected from damage and theft. When they aren’t being observed, people in big gatherings will inevitably wander into areas they aren’t supposed to be and take liberties with the facilities. Security patrols are a big part of any event security service. A patrol can be deployed to monitor any property, no matter how large, and be ready to respond when needed. Protecting both property and guests is their priority.

4. Enforce Covid Restrictions

If you’re in a state or municipality that still has pandemic mandates in place, you might face stiff fines and penalties if your guests don’t follow them. Event security guards can help to ensure that they are enforced.

5. Emergency Response

If the unexpected happens at your event, whether it be a fire, a bomb threat, a medical emergency, or a shooter, having personnel on-site trained in emergency response protocols can be a lifesaver. Event security guards can swing into action quickly, using crowd control techniques to prevent a stampede for the exits, helping guests evacuate in a fast and orderly manner, providing first aid, and immediately contacting police and fire department first responders. DMAC Security guards are also trained to constantly scan the facility and grounds, on the lookout for fire hazards, signs of unauthorized entry, suspicious individuals, and hazardous situations to prevent emergencies before they happen.

6. VIP Security

At events featuring celebrities or political figures, the personal safety of these individuals is of utmost importance. Even if these people have their security personnel, an added layer of protection is always appreciated. It will enhance your reputation and trust when you invite high-profile guests to future events. DMAC Security has provided executive protection to our client for many years and has earned an excellent reputation for the quality of service and reliability. Our executive protection teams are specially trained and experienced at providing the best personal protection in the business.

7. Manage Media Access

If you plan to have VIPs and celebrities appear at your event, you must also expect that members of the media will be there to cover it. If you desire media coverage, then you’ll probably want to manage who gets in and who doesn’t, and if you don’t wish to content of a private event, then you’ll want to keep all the reporters and paparazzi out. This can be harder than it sounds, as the media has proven itself very clever at gaining access to places where they’re not wanted. Professional event security guards are the solution. They’ll keep a wary eye on the media, identifying and admitting authorized media personnel and keeping the others at bay. They will patrol the grounds looking for likely unauthorized access points and ensure that only the media you want to be there will gain entry.

8. Crime Detection And Prevention

Security guards are trained to detect crime and the potential for corruption. Significant events usually have expensive audio and visual equipment and other valuable items at the venue and often have guests carrying large amounts of cash and wearing expensive jewelry. All are prime targets for opportunistic crooks. Event guards are experienced at spotting suspicious individuals and activity. Just the presence of security teams patrolling the venue and their conspicuous presence in the crowd is usually enough to deter criminals from acting.

DMAC Security has over 30 years of experience serving over 250 clients in all types of businesses and industries. Our professional staff is highly experienced, and all of our employees are required to complete ongoing in-house training to maintain their skills to the highest industry standards.Let us show you how we can protect your next event or your business or property. Call DMAC Security at (443) 342-2724, drop into our offices at 122 Slade Ave suite 102 Baltimore, MD 21208, or contact us online anytime for a free consultation about your specific security needs.

What is Contract Security and What Are its Advantages? Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok Everything about contract security

Almost all companies utilize security services. And in most situations, the cost of outsourced security services is generally lower than when keeping and propriety team. An outsourced security officers reduces overhead costs for a company. From recruitment, screening, and training related costs, the company needs to invest resources for a proprietary security guards. On the other hand, security companies can do all these which saves time and effort on the part of the company.
Among these two options, contract security seems like a better choice over propriety security in terms of cost-savings. But there are more benefits that come with it such as risk distribution and lesser potential liability. A company that starts contract security services will share liability for the security officer’s action or failure to act appropriately with the service provider. However, the company that contracted with the provider should not immediately expect absolution from liability if an incident happens. In some contracts, there is a provision that the responsibility for managing the aftermath of the incident lies on the vendor.
Before you pursue a contract security service, you should work on the legalities to create a workable security policy. It should indicate the scope of work, and post orders custom-fitted to the needs of the company. The contract should also include a response plan in case of untoward incidences in the area of assignment.

What is Proprietary Security?

A proprietary security team is another option that the company can consider if they need a security guard. One major advantage of choosing this type of security service is that it has better integration with the company’s policies, culture, protocols, and technology. But why are more companies pursuing a contract security service than this?
With proprietary security, the organization has better control of the department and structure it according to its needs. Issues can be easily addressed at officer levels without the need to go out of the organization. Likewise, the business devotes resources to ensure that proper training is provided for the employees in the department. However, not all company has the capacity to invest in a proprietary security department. It is especially true for small or start-up businesses gaining ground in the industry. Thus, more security company are offering contract security teams to help these businesses with their unique needs.

What are the advantages of using contract security services?

When it comes to choosing a private security contracts provider, you have to keep in mind that not all of them are created equal. Some companies hire professionals to directly work for them through an official security department. But there are also other companies that seek security services to provide for their unique needs. Thus, outside or a private company will be the one to provide additional manpower to serve as the company’s security team. The provider will be the one to screen and find the most suitable candidates for the needs of the business. Here are some of the advantages of using contract security services.

Shared Legal Liability

Hiring your own security team means that you are the employer and you are the one liable for them and for what they do. In extreme situations, this can be detrimental to the business. You will also need to create heavy insurance policies to maintain an in house security service. On the other hand, if you will outsourcing security service, the heavier liability is burdened by the private security provider. Security companies are insured heavily and in case of any untoward incident involving contracted security guards the company will be responsible for a lawsuit.


Hiring your own team of security personnel takes time and effort on the part of the company. It is a long process of advertising the post, hiring, training, and capacitating the employees, and getting a heavy insurance policy. For a small company, it is more convenient and less of a hassle to inquire about the services offered by private contract security companies. After discussing your company’s unique needs, you can draw up a contract policy that you want. The security company will be the one to handle the tedious job of hiring, screening, training, and getting insurance coverage.

Reassignment of Security Officers

An in house security team enjoys the same benefits as any regular employee of the company. In case the owner is not satisfied with their performance, and they need to terminate the personnel, the company may need to provide separation pay. More so, the company will need to hire, train, and capacitate a new member every time a security guard leaves the company. However, if the security team is under a private contract, then the security firm will be the one responsible for getting a new officer for the business. Reassignment and changing of security personnel are easier when you have contract security services.


Trust and commitment are formed between the company and the security provider the moment the contract is signed. Contract security guard service providers are under oath of the contract and they must provide services that meet or exceed the expectations of the contract.

Professional Security Team

When it comes to safety and security, you have to leave it to security professionals to do their job. Private contract security providers are trained, experienced, and capacitated to provide such services to the company that they are assigned to. Pursuing contract security allows you to focus more on your business path without worries about security measures.

How Do You Get Security Contracts?

Most security firms utilize direct mail, referrals, and social media to connect with potential clients. If you need a private security management service, contact your local broker, and ask for a list of providers in your area. You may also ask your colleagues for referrals for companies that they already trust.

Wrap Up

Safety and security management is a significant part of the company. Between keeping an in house security team and hiring a private security company, contract security services is a leading choice for the practical benefits that it offers. For small and start-up businesses, pursuing contract security is the solution for your unique needs.

What Are the Common Duties of Security Guards? Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok Security patrol companies are often contracted when a business has concerns about the safety of their customers and employees. But what does a security guard actually do? Here are a few of the common duties of a security guard.

Strong Visual Presence

Being highly visible is one way security guards prevent a majority of crime in the area they’re assigned. Most would-be criminals will think twice when they see a business has a security guard on patrol.

Be Alert and Vigilant

Someone with a short attention span or poor hearing and eyesight would not make a very effective security guard. One of the major job requirements of a security guard is to be on alert for anything that may be suspicious, such as someone attempting to steal merchandise, sneak into a restricted area, or otherwise cause trouble.

Respond to Dangerous Situations

Security patrol companies rely on their employees acting quickly and correctly in a crisis. How a security guard acts will depend on the threat posed, but their actions should always work to keep a situation under control or regain any control that’s been lost.

Observe and Report

Security guards must not only act correctly in dangerous or potentially dangerous situations. They must then return to observing to prevent any more issues. In the event of a significant incident, the details should be given to the guard’s supervisor or the proper authorities to take additional steps if needed.

Call in Help When Needed

Certain issues may be beyond the security guard’s scope. In these cases, they should quickly call in the proper authorities rather than handle it independently.
The contract security industry employs approximately 20 million private security workers across the globe, according to research done by The Guardian. This means that security guards can easily be found your business requires one. Security patrol companies train some of the best people to become security guards, and along with that training comes peace of mind from knowing your business is well looked after.

Unarmed Security Guards Are Ideal for Deterring Criminal Activity Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok Up to 71,000 new positions for security officers are expected to be created from 2016 to 2026. That’s a 6% rate of growth. The presence of unarmed security guards is just enough to deter criminals and ensure safety for people and property. Unarmed security companies have the guards you need to feel secure no matter the situation.

What Type of Situations Are Ideal for Unarmed Security Guards?

If you are hosting a large or medium-sized gathering of people, you may need unarmed security services. A security guard observes surroundings and checks for otherwise dangerous situations. They are armed with the ability to notify the appropriate parties of criminal or suspicious activities. Overall, unarmed security companies can provide you with as many guards as you need to maintain safety.

The Type of Events That Require Security Include:

  • Large Private Gatherings
  • Executive and Private Holiday Parties
  • Special Events
  • Galas
  • Entertainment Venues
  • Fundraisers
  • Town Rallies and Halls
  • Sporting Events

Unarmed Security Guards Have Many Skills

An unarmed security company has plenty of guards available that have all undergone high-quality training. You can rest assured that all unarmed security officers have had rigorous background checks, as well. To work for a reputable security company, officers must have completed state-required security training classes and received a valid security license. All officers of unarmed security companies undergo full orientation along with continuous training.
Unarmed security companies offer different security types, including security patrol services by vehicle, golf cart, bicycle, on foot, and standing. Consider them to be a strong visual deterrent who are always on alert and ready to respond to incidents and alarms. An unarmed security guard may have a range of duties, like responding to emergencies, notifying the proper authorities, unlocking, securing, and locking gates and doors, to name a few.

There Are Many Reasons to Use Unarmed Security Solutions

A good reason to hire guards from unarmed security companies is when you have low-risk security threats. Many businesses face low-security risks and may only require retail loss prevention. Perhaps you are planning a private event and need to control entry access. Entry access is another good reason to hire unarmed guards to keep corporate security settings in check.

You Want to Minimize Any Liability

There are many risks in regards to lethal force. If you are not prepared to deal with any fallout or have small tolerance for liabilities that could occur if lethal force is used, it is best to avoid using armed security guards. There is a time and a place for armed guards. It just may not be the type of security you require.
If an armed security guard isn’t needed, keeping lethal force from an event or gathering can protect you or your business while giving you peace of mind. If a situation arises, unarmed security guards can still call local law enforcement to take care of it. You are still kept safe and sound without compromising a thing.

Every Situation Is Unique

Transition planning is put in place by top unarmed security companies. They understand that every situation is unique and follow a transition planning process that includes site surveys, facility assessments, post orders development, screening and orientation, onsite training, and evaluations. A security plan is put in place for you that is completely tailored to fit your specific security needs.
Don’t compromise your business or an event site. Security guards help prevent crimes while keeping the perimeter secure. Schedule a free consultation to talk about your security needs. Unarmed security companies will identify risks and develop a strategy to eliminate any avoidable threats. You can depend on fully-trained and professional unarmed guards to ensure your safety and become part of your team.

7 best practices to improve your Warehouse Security Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:07:25 +0000 http://Yirzchok

According to one recent study, an estimated $50 billion in goods are stolen from warehouses worldwide every year. Over 50% of theft comes from internal sources connected to the goods in question. The sizeable risk of warehouse theft explains the importance of warehouse security.

Before jumping into the tips section, it’s essential to acknowledge that no two warehouses environments are 100% identical. Every location has their own unique challenges. As a result, there is no “one-size fits all solution“ to preventing theft in your warehouse. With that in mind, there are several best practices to improve warehouse security. These measures can help you keeping your personnel and goods safe from thieves and other potential dangers. Let’s take a look at the 7 best practices to improve your warehouse security:

1. Secure the perimeter

Let’s start on the exterior. We need to make sure our first line of defense is in the best shape before considering taking a look inside. In many cases, having security fencing will deter criminals from trying to gain access to your warehouse. Ensure the fence is resistant to being climbed by making it at least 7 feet high. You can also control vehicular access to the site by placing security barriers and gates at entrances. A nice extra touch to this first layer of security would be implementing a plate recognition system.

2. Use inventory management technology

As a warehouse manager, managing inventory items can be a great ordeal. Effective inventory management systems prevent items from being lost. Every item should be entered in the system upon arrival and tracked throughout the life of the item. Systems that include mobile devices with barcode scanners or RFID readers tend to be the best option.

3. Hire professional security personnel

Unarmed security guards can patrol the area on foot and in certain situations in small vehicles like a golf cart. Their duties include locking, unlocking, and securing doors and gates,. Security guards can also conduct security sweeps to help observe those darker areas where an intruder might hide. Conducting random patrols while wearing identifiable uniforms is a strong visual crime deterrent.

There are few options as productive and effective as security guards. Security guards use there skill and experience to identify risks and prevent theft. They can also fulfill roles in customer service and warehouse safety.

Additional Duties of Security Officers

If you want to take your proactive security efforts to the next level, armed security guards may be something worth considering. Oftentimes warehouse operators, choose to go with armed security to protect high value materials. Armed security guards are vital if you’re dealing with sensitive, proprietary assets inside your warehouse or situations where industrial espionage is a possibility. Armed security officers have arrest authority in most jurisdictions. Arrest authority allows armed security to do more than observe and report. They can physically detain suspects.

4. Implement Video Surveillance Camera Systems

Surveillance cameras are an effective crime deterrent. These systems gather visible evidence that can be used to identify suspects and tell the story of what occurred. Cameras are especially effective for preventing employee theft. The employees know that they will be seen and identified. Video cameras are best when combined with a security officer who watches the video feeds.

5. Have a Security Alarm System

This is another good crime deterrent that comes along very well with having a professional security guard or team. The primary purpose of having a security alarm system is to raise as much attention as possible to your warehouse or a specific part of it when it is unoccupied. Alarm systems can work in conjunction with a security guard company that can dispatch security officers in response to alarms. Alarm systems can be configured to handle the unique needs of your location.

Important Security Systems Features

  • Motion Detection
  • Monitored in Real-time
  • Loud audible alarm
  • Remote Access

6. Implement building access control systems

Access control systems work similarly to the plate recognition systems we discussed earlier. These systems are ideal for permitting and restricting individuals’ access to your warehouse or specific locations within your premises. With professional building access control systems in place, only authorized people can access your premises. Access control systems can include tools such as Key Cards, Key FOBs, Security code panels, digital fingerprint scans. Another important feature is the ability to integrate with other commercial security solutions such as cameras.

7. Test your system regularly

It is important to periodically test your security measures to verify that they continue to work. The last thing you want is to be paying for something that worked great when it started but is no longer effective. Camera systems should be tested daily. Alarm systems should be checked weekly. Warehouses should have systems in place to test every aspect of the security infrastructure. Testing requirements should include human-based systems like your security guards. Consult with security supervisors to get their feedback on measuring the job performance and effectiveness of the security personnel.

If you are looking for a warehouse security service to hire and just want to discuss your own needs with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact DMAC Security today.
